Coprima | Dr Tarik Vardag, Managing Partner

General Manager, Managing Partner

Dr. Tarik Vardag

Vita Tarik Vardag.

Broad knowledge base and over 30 years of experience in management.

Tarik Vardag has many years of experience in the management of medium-sized companies and business units in the mechanical and plant engineering sector – with positions at ThyssenKrupp Uhde, Fresenius and Oerlikon Textile.

Dr. Vardag studied physics at the University of Regensburg and the University of Colorado, Boulder, and completed his doctorate at the Chair of Biophysics and Physical Biochemistry in Regensburg.

From 2010 to 2022, he was Managing Director of ATH Altonaer Technologie-Holding GmbH and its operating companies Kroenert, Coatema and Drytec. The companies are global leaders in their respective fields of coating technology.

Industry expertise:
Mechanical and plant engineering, international project business, engineering, coating technology, medical technology, textile machine construction, printing technology, drive technology.

Management and supervision of operating units from a holding function as well as international subsidiaries; member of supervisory boards of international holdings; management of holdings and operating companies as CEO; strategic alignment of companies and business units; identification, acquisition and integration of new companies; restructuring of production sites; cooperation with AI start-ups.

Hermann-Hollerith-Str. 15
52249 Eschweiler, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)221 / 94 99 53 60
Mobile: +49 (0)174 / 92 05 040

As a long-standing board member of VDMA-Nord and the Hamburg Industrial Association (IVH) and thanks to his global customer contacts, Tarik Vardag has an excellent national and international network.

Dr. Vardag is also a co-partner of Schotstek gGmbH, a non-profit organisation that aims to place high potentials with a migration background in management positions, and is on the board of StayIN e.V., an NGO that works internationally to promote educational equality.