Coprima | Dr. Andreas Giessmann, Managing Partner

General Manager, Managing Partner

Dr. Andreas Giessmann

Vita Andreas Giessmann.

Successful entrepreneur for over 28 years.

Andreas Giessmann’s expertise stands for courageous and pioneering decisions that go hand in hand with targeted and professional thinking:

Doctorate in mechanical engineering (industrial engineer) specialising in production and process engineering as well as economics. (4 engineering degrees: production engineer, industrial engineer, mechanical engineer and REFA engineer).

Over 30 years of experience in the coating industry, special machine construction and project business.

Expansion of an engineering office into a special machine construction company with international orientation and technology and innovation leadership.

Establishment of a complete research department with strategic reorganisation of the company.

Hermann-Hollerith-Str. 15
52249 Eschweiler, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)221 / 94 99 53 60
Mobile: +49 (0)172 / 26 25 300

Complete new development of a wide-ranging product portfolio.

Broad management and leadership experience with growth and crisis management and reorganisation measures.

Experienced member of various advisory boards (companies and institutes).

Author of the specialised publication and standard work of the coating industry: Substrat- und Textilbeschichtung.

Substrat und Textilbeschichtung